Francesca Hodgson is the co-founder and Managing Director of GoodBox, which helps non-profit organisations to take cashless donations, by providing them with contactless charity donation boxes, along with software to help them track, analyse and grow the amount of money they raise.
Francesca and her business partner founded GoodBox after spotting a major gap in the charity sector. They secured an Angel investor at the start, who supported them with the money to create and test the tech which allows charities to take contactless donations. Further funding was secured via Crowdfunding following the success with the initial concept and trial.
Francesca’s approach to investment was to take networking to the next level to find supporters for GoodBox, and benefiting from being part of three accelerators that helped the business with invaluable guidance and access to investors.
In this episode you’ll discover…
- Why you should share all of your ideas openly, without being shy or fearing copycats
- Why you shouldn’t let confidence stop you, you’ll always wonder ‘what if
- Why it’s okay to fail