Sheila Hogan is the founder of Biscuit Tin, a TechDeath company and digital vault that securely holds information and makes managing our affairs when we come to the end of our life easier. With an extensive background in tech and business strategy, Sheila secured grant funding from Scottish Enterprise, utilising her skills in writing business cases. She initially thought it was possible to get plenty of funding just from having the idea for the business, but this wasn’t the case.
Biscuit Tin won the COVID response competition from Innovate UK, being one of 800 out of thousands of applications which gave the business runway through the pandemic. With no marketing budget, Sheila used partnerships to get the business to market and has been on Dragon’s Den which has certainly helped with PR and awareness. She used the media opportunity to cleverly run the true investment campaign in parallel and raised from a mix of angels and VCs.
Since then, Sheila’s been on a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, with a large US investor pulling out at the last minute, the UK economy crash and then, an all-consuming crowdfund for £150K. Sheila is still on the fundraising journey, looking for further investment to propel Biscuit Tin forward.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- How to keep moving forward when it’s tough raising investment
- How to get the most from PR opportunities when fundraising
- Why too many voices can hinder your funding journey