Sophie Baron founded Mamamade after having a baby and going back to work whilst struggling to find baby food she felt was good enough. To fill the gap, Mamamade was born in March 2019 and Sophie bootstrapped the business for around a year. Instagram was incredibly powerful in getting the word out and growing the start-up organically. Sophie didn’t let “perfection be the enemy” - brilliant advice from her husband to just get the product out there and refine afterwards.
In 2020, at the start of lockdown, Sophie started raising investment via angels, meeting them online via Zoom calls. They raised £300K and the virtual experience was positive; with Sophie wondering, “how many meetings would we have had in person to get it over line?”. Sophie had thought about seeking external investment since she started the business, but now thinks it’s wise to wait until the business is at the right point and you have happy customers on board.
In this episode, you'll discover...
- Why you shouldn’t let perfection be the enemy
- What it’s like to raise investment virtually
- How you’ll know the time is right to seek investment